Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First blog of many...or first blog of a few??

I have been inspired by a friends (thanks Cathy) blog to try and keep one of my own.

Now, I know me and the question that has to be asked is 'will this blog be just another grand idea that is forgotten like many other ideas of the past". The answer is 'who knows' but the good intentions are there at present and so I must roll with them and see where the blogging journey takes me.

So the name of my blog 'Red Dirt Ramblings' is a reflection of the fact that I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia which is famous for red dirt, a huge hole in the ground (the super pit), mining and ummm nothing else really heh. Ramblings was added to the title as I have been known to ramble on, even if no one is listening, and here I can do it at my own leisure and without annoying anyone (wishful thinking?).

Life brought me, my husband Graeme and our darling son Grayden to Kalgoorlie two years ago. Graeme is a geologist and when our son was born we decided that we no longer wanted to live the fly in fly out lifestyle and Kalgoorlie allowed for Graeme to work a normal roster and it also meant that I could carry on with my career as well.

I like Kalgoorlie - it is hot, dusty, 3 hours drive from the beach and six hours drive from family but a traffic jam is 3 cars waiting at the lights, there is a 24 hour supermarket (this is a big deal in Western Australia), and most importantly it allows us to be a fulltime family and not a part time one that I felt we had before the move.

I don't know how long we will live here as anyone knows me I am a snob (a cashed up bogan snob can and does exist lol) and do not want Grayden to go to school here but they say that Kalgoorlie gets under your skin and that if you stay 2 years you will end up staying 10!

Ahh well, life is good and whilst it remains good there is no need to change a thing.

Yay for me my first post written - who knows maybe one day someone will actually subscribe to it lol.


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